Thursday, 7 June 2012

Making progress

Despite the Jubilee celebrations, going on a Hen weekend, looking after a pooly 5 year old, visiting  family and having family to stay, this bank holiday has been really productive and we are getting on track…..I think!...
We have come to our senses.  It cannot be done in a week!  Setting up with 3 small children, jetlag, a religious holiday and getting used to a completely different climate and new city is just not possible.
My husband has booked a flight and a hotel, going out for 9 days in July.  Phew!  We have an agent in KL to help us find a place to live.  We have made contact with colleagues that we will be working with, who have advised us on the different areas which would suit us.  That was sooooo exciting.  To finally speak to people who are doing the same thing as us.

So the 'to do' list is coming along nicely. 

School places …...................…sorted
Visas…..................................…being sorted by employer
Banking.............................…..assisted by employer
Property  search agent……...sorted
Immunisations………............nearly sorted
Home help/nanny…………...NOT sorted
Car………........................……..not sorted
Flights and hotel………….....sorted

Well that is a start I suppose.  

Still undecided as to what to take with us.  Thinking of sending husband out with suitcase of action men, cars and kiddies books on his first trip to help out, but really don’t think this is practical!!